March 31 2020 Moon

March 31 2020 Moon

The full moon in March 2020 is an exciting time that brings with it a great opportunity for personal growth and transformation. This is the third full moon of the year, and it takes place on March 31. As the full moon nears, it’s important to take time to reflect on what has been and what is to come.

What to Expect during the Full Moon in March

The March full moon is a powerful time of energy and emotion. It’s a time to release old habits, emotions, and thoughts that no longer serve us. It’s also an opportunity to focus on our goals and dreams and take action to make them a reality. During this time, our intuition and creativity are heightened, so take advantage of this and use it to your advantage.

Tips for Making the Most of the Full Moon in March

Take some time to reflect and meditate on the upcoming full moon. This will help you to become more mindful of the energy and emotion that is being brought forth.

  • Allow yourself to experience the emotions that arise within you. Acknowledge and accept them, then focus your attention on the positive aspects of the situation.

  • Find ways to release any anger, frustration, and fear that you may be feeling. This could be through writing, exercise, or talking to a friend.

  • Take a few moments to set an intention for the full moon. This can be anything from manifesting abundance, healing relationships, or connecting with your higher self.

  • Take time to be creative and explore your imagination. This can be a great way to tap into the energy of the full moon and create something new.

  • Connect with nature and spend time outdoors. Being in nature can help to ground and balance your energy, releasing any stress and tension.

  • Take some time to journal and write down your thoughts and reflections. This is a great way to explore your inner world and gain clarity on any issues that may be present.

  • Allow yourself to be open and receptive to the changes that come with the full moon. This is an opportunity for growth and transformation, so embrace it.

Final Thoughts

The full moon in March 2020 is an exciting time of energy and emotion. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on what has been and what is to come, and to take action towards manifesting our dreams. Use the tips above to make the most of this powerful lunar phase and embrace the transformation that it brings.

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